
Our Co-Projects

Our staff at UNLV works in partnership with the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) National Operations Team to optimize and standardize the use of science tools and storage protocols. We collaborate with FIA staff on a variety of data management and data delivery system projects and co-tasks, contributing support in the areas of:

Below is a brief introduction to the primary projects we are involved in.

Current UNLV-FIA Co-Projects

Acronym Project Name Description
ETL Data Extraction, Transformation, and Loading Projects to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from source databases into target databases include the FIA4FSVeg, which prepares NIMS data for loading into the National Forest System's Field Sampled Vegetation (FSVeg) database.
EVALIDator EVALIDator This public facing web analytical tool allows users to produce a large variety of population estimates and their sampling errors based on the current Forest Inventory and Analysis Database (FIADB).
FIADB Forest Inventory and Analysis Database FIADB provides public access to forest inventory data in a consistent format, spanning all states and inventories.
FIA DataMart FIA DataMart The FIA DataMart allows visitors to download raw FIA data in comma delimited tables, SQLite databases, and customizable batch estimate workbooks. The DataMart map also provides a quick visual reference for the most recent data available for each state or inventory area.
FIA National Science Strategy FIA National Science Strategy The goal of the FIA National Science Strategy project is to create a coordinated vision and strategy to support and improve on creativity, collaboration, and initiative among the FIA research staff, individually and collectively. In turn, we hope to discover programmatic mechanisms that will bridge scientific inquiry to ongoing inventory operations.
FIA Spatial Database FIA Spatial Database The FIA Spatial Database assists in maintaining the spatial data related to FIA inventory.
FICS FIA Integrated Compilation System FICS is a cross-platform, Java-based library system designed to improve and streamline the storage, maintenance, and sharing of FIA compilation models.
Maestro Maestro (National NIMS Portal System) The National NIMS Portal System, referred to as “Maestro”, is a web tool used for data management to upload post-field processed and quality assured data into the NIMS database.
MIDAS Mobile Integrated Data Acquisition System MIDAS is an integrated web-client-mobile tool used to collect and process FIA field data.
NIMS National Information Management System NIMS provides a single national platform for processing and storing annual FIA inventory data. The NIMS database and compilation system is used to load, error check, compile, and calculate derived variables.
NOMS National Ownership Management System NOMS is managed by the FIA Information Management and Data Acquisition Bands, comprising a front-end tool and a database for the maintenance of single source of ownership information necessary to support NWOS operations.
NVCS National Vegetation Classification Standard The goal of this project is to expand the development of computerized and narrative National Vegetation Classification keys to include Rocky Mountain Research Station FIA plots in order to promote uniform statistics about vegetation resources across the nation.
PPD Protocol and Plot Design The goal of the PPD project is to create the relationship linkage between data, metadata, and document specific characteristics of the FIA protocols. The PPD project also enables FIA data users to identify changes in measurement protocols over time.
Sample Nonresponse Bias in Estimations Sample Nonresponse Bias in Estimations This project evaluates estimation methods for handling field plot nonresponse. Further investigation and evaluations are being conducted to determine what other methods may be tenable to address biases more adequately in the samples that result from nonrandom nonresponse.
Section 508 National Operations Section 508 Program This program ensures that electronic and information technology (EIT) developed, procured, maintained, and used by FIA National Operations is accessible to people with disabilities as required by Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (20 U.S.S. §794(d)).
TPO Timber Products Output The TPO element of the FIA National Core Program collects and reports data related to timber harvest for industrial products, logging residues, and mill residues.
UMaestro Universal Maestro (UMaestro) Universal Maestro (UMaestro) is a web tool used for data management to upload post-field processes and quality assured data to the UNIMS database.
UNIMS Universal National Inventory Management System UNIMS is a national initiative to replace the current NIMS to improve data storage and accommodate future data collected under new protocol designs and studies not supported by NIMS.

Previous UNLV-FIA Co-Projects

Acronym Project Name Description
BioSum Bioregional Inventory Originated Simulation Under Management BioSum is a regional Pacific Northwest Research Station (PNWRS) project that provides simulation-based analytical tools that leverage FIA data to predict and summarize the effects of forest management strategies.
DATIM Design and Analysis Toolkit for Inventory and Monitoring DATIM is a public-facing web analytical and design tool designed to improve monitoring designs and data analyses by providing nationally consistent presentation tools and access to FS data. It responds to business needs of the National Forest System (NFS) Land Management Planning (LMP) and delivery requirements pertaining to inventory and monitoring activities. The project is a collaborative effort between FIA, NFS, and Ecosystem Management Coordination (EMC) stakeholders involved in resource inventory and forest planning programs.
NIMAC National Inventory and Monitoring Applications Center NIMAC is part of the Northern Research Station FIA program. It provides national technical assistance on planning, conducting, processing, and analyzing forest inventories. Our staff works in partnership with FIA staff to support Continuous Forest Inventory (CFI) projects and U.S. Fish and Wildfire Service (USFWS) tasks.
QA/QC Check Plot Quality Assurance/Quality Control Check Plot The QA/QC Check Plot project is managed by the PNW Resource Monitoring and Assessment Program and is used to measure the quality of field data collected by contractors as opposed to agency field crews.
RMRS Plot Photo Manager Rocky Mountain Research Station Plot Photo Manager The RMRS Plot Photo Manager is a modernized tool used to upload, manage, and retrieve photographs and associated metadata for FIA field photo plots stored in a Large Object data repository. It serves as a pilot for an upcoming National Plot Photo Manager.